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Surrealist Calendar

Current and upcoming exhibitions in museums and galleries

Sep 01, 2023 -
Artists in Exile: European Surrealists in the US during and after World War II

Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, St. Louis, MO

Curated by Tobias Feldmann under the guidance of Director and Chief Curator Sabine Eckmann.
Historical documentary materials accompany a display of work by exiled artists including Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, Fernand Léger, Matta, Yves Tanguy, among others, contextualizing their artistic practice during the wartime era.
Exhibition - Artists in Exile: European Surrealists in the US during and after World War II

Apr 27, 2024 -
Jun 30, 2024
[related VIDEO]
Surrealism and Japan

Kyoto Cultural Museum, Kyoto [Dec 16, 2023-Feb 04, 2024]
Itabashi Art Museum, Tokyo [Mar 02, 2024-Apr 14, 2024]
Mie Prefectural Museum of Art, Mie-ken, Japan [Apr 27, 2024-Jun 30, 2024]

In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the publication of Breton's Surrealist Manifesto, this exhibition primarily showcases Japanese paintings influenced by Surrealism and introduces the development of diverse images while reflecting on the era in which these artists lived.
Exhibition - Surrealism and Japan

Jun 06, 2024 -
Jul 06, 2024
Prélude Surréaliste

Galerie Les Yeux Fertiles, Paris

~30 works by various artists, many from notable Surrealist collections including those of André Breton, José Pierre and Arturo Schwarz.
Exhibition - Prélude Surréaliste

May 01, 2024 -
Jul 20, 2024
Rétroviseur: Autoportraits Surréalistes

Olivier Varenne Art Moderne & Contemporain, Geneva

Co-curated with Jean-Hubert Martin.
An exploration of what happened when Surrealists turned their eye on themselves: self-portraits by Hans Bellmer, Salvador Dali, Marcel Duchamp, Francis Picabia, André Masson, Pierre Molinier, Man Ray, and others will reveal how they chose unconventional means for image-making during an era of awakening self-analysis, exploration of alternative realities and the free creativity of the unconscious mind.
Exhibition - Rétroviseur: Autoportraits Surréalistes

Feb 21, 2024 -
Jul 21, 2024
IMAGINE! 100 Years of International Surrealism

Royal Museums of Fine Arts, Belgium [Feb 21, 2024-Jul 21, 2024]
Curated by Francisca Vandepitte for the RMFAB.

Centre Pompidou, Paris [Sep 04, 2024-Jan 13,2025]
Curated by Didier Ottinger and Marie Sarré for the Centre Pompidou.
Hamburger Kunsthalle, Germany [Jun 12, 2025-Oct 12, 2025]
Curated by Dr. Annabelle Görgen-Lammers assisted by Maria Sitte for the Hamburger Kunsthalle.
Fundación Mapfré, Madrid [Feb 04, 2025-May 11, 2025]
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pennsylvania [Nov 8, 2025-Feb 15, 2026]

Blockbuster traveling show marking the centennial of the Surrealist movement. Each partnering museum will host the core of the travelling exhibition, with a focus on their own collections. Brussels aims to deliver a comprehensive understanding of surrealism viewed from a symbolist perspective, showcasing over 130 artworks, including paintings, works on paper, sculptures, assemblages, and photographs.
Exhibition - IMAGINE! 100 Years of International Surrealism

Feb 21, 2024 -
Jul 21, 2024
Magritte-Folon: The Dream Factory

Royal Museums of Fine Arts, Belgium

While Brussels celebrates the 100th anniversary of surrealism, some of René Magritte's works will be traveling so it is taking advantage of this period to create a dialogue between the fascinating world of Magritte and the poetic creations of Jean-Michel Folon.
Exhibition - Magritte-Folon: The Dream Factory

May 31, 2024 -
Jul 26, 2024
Ithell Colquhoun: Elemental

Ben Hunter, London

An overview of Colquhoun's practice, placing emphasis on the breadth of her oeuvre and the continuity of her ideas across her artistic career while incorporating major works illustrating her engagement with diverse art historical periods, Celtic Revivalism, queer subcultures, and her exceptional exploration of different creative techniques.
Exhibition - Ithell Colquhoun: Elemental

Mar 10, 2024 -
Jul 28, 2024
Surrealism and Us: Caribbean and African Diasporic Artists since 1940

Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas

Curated by María Elena Ortiz.
Inspired by the essay 1943: Surrealism and Us by Suzanne Césaire and the history of Surrealism in the Caribbean with connections to notions of the Afrosurreal in the United States, this presentation includes over 50 works from the 1940s to the present day, in a wide range of media such as painting, sculpture, drawing, video, and installation.
Exhibition - Surrealism and Us: Caribbean and African Diasporic Artists since 1940

Mar 23, 2024 -
Aug 03, 2024
Claude Cahun: Beneath this Mask

Abbot Hall, Kendal, UK [Mar 23, 2024-Aug 03, 2024]
Farleys House and Gallery, Muddles Green, UK [Sep 05, 2024-Oct 31,2024]
Haverhill Arts Centre, Haverhill, UK [Feb 01, 2025-Mar 02, 2025]

42 contemporary giclee prints made from scans of Cahun's original photographic self-portraits, as the majority of the negatives have been lost. A Hayward Gallery Touring exhibition from Southbank Centre, London.
Exhibition - Claude Cahun: Beneath this Mask

Mar 08, 2024 -
Aug 08, 2024
Objects of Desire: Surrealism & Design

Museum of Contemporary Design and Applied Arts, Lausanne

Curated by Dr. Mateo Kries with assistant Tanja Cunz.
Exploring the close dialogue between surrealism and design over the last hundred years and presenting both pioneering works from the 1930s and contemporary projects, bringing together design furniture and graphic design, fashion, decoration and photography.
Exhibition - Objects of Desire: Surrealism & Design

Mar 08, 2024 -
Aug 08, 2024
Alchemy: Surrealism & Glass Art

Museum of Contemporary Design and Applied Arts, Lausanne

Curated by Marco Costantini and Amélie Bannwart.
This exhibition will take visitors back to the origins of its host institution's contemporary glass art collection, now the largest in Europe, with glass works by Salvador Dalí, Marc Chagall, Jean Cocteau, and Max Ernst, among others, tracing the links between the history of the collection and the surrealist movement.
Exhibition - Alchemy: Surrealism & Glass Art

Mar 29, 2024 -
Aug 08, 2024
[related VIDEO]
Man Ray: Liberating Photography

Photo Elysée, Lausanne

Curated from a private collection, this exhibition explores the artist's extensive social contacts while presenting some of his most iconic works along with highlighting the innovations in photography made by Man Ray in Paris in the 1920s and 30s.
Exhibition - Man Ray: Liberating Photography

May 10, 2024 -
Aug 11, 2024
Surrealism: Other Myths

National Museum in Warsaw, Poland

Curated by Hanna Doroszuk.
This exhibition, with works by over sixty artists, does away with the orthodox thinking on Surrealism as a historical art movement having a defined timeframe and fixed geographic boundaries, instead treating the movement as a global, inclusive and diverse phenomenon. Its historical narrative begins with works from the interwar period and ends with the output of artists connected with the international Phases movement, founded in the 1950s.
Exhibition - Surrealism: Other Myths

May 12, 2024 -
Aug 18, 2024
Meret 0ppenheim & Friends

Kunsthaus Apolda Avantgarde, Apolda, Germany

Curated by Thomas Levy.
Over 150 works by Oppenheim alongside other representatives of French surrealism and her Swiss circle including Jean Arp, André Breton, Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, Leonor Fini, Maurice Henry, Marcel Jean, Dora Maar, Man Ray, Dorothea Tanning, Marie (Cermínová) Toyen, and several others.
Exhibition - Meret 0ppenheim & Friends

Jun 16, 2024 -
Aug 18, 2024
Dora Maar: Behind the Lens

Amar Gallery, London

Photographs and photograms from the artist's estate, presenting surrealist works as well as photographs of Picasso and Guernica, the celebrated anti-war painting for which Maar was the only official photographer. The exhibition also revisits Maar's erasure throughout art history, despite her pioneering photography, as a result of her position as Picasso's lover.
Exhibition - Dora Maar: Behind the Lens

Apr 12, 2024 -
Aug 25, 2024
Surréalisme: Le Grand Jeu

Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne

Curated by Juri Steiner and Pierre-Henri Foulon, assisted by Paolo Baggi.
Borrowing its title from a review published between 1928-1930 by a splinter group of French Surrealist artists who vehemently refused to rally to André Breton's movement, here is the first thematic exhibition devoted to Surrealism at MCBA since 1987, organised in three sequences focused on three games: chess, Tarot, and dice. Featuring works by Rachel Baes, Hans Bellmer, Victor Brauner, André Breton, Claude Cahun, Nicolas Calas, Leonora Carrington, Ithell Colquhoun, Salvador Dalí, Lise Deharme, Maya Deren, Marcel Duchamp, Marcel Duhamel, Max Ernst, Leonor Fini, Esteban Frances, Wilhelm Freddie, Jane Graverol, Maurice Henry, Jacques Herold, Georges Hugnet, Valentine Hugo, Wilfredo Lam, René Magritte, Marcel Mariën, Mayo, Pierre Molinier, Meret Oppenheim, Benjamin Péret, Man Ray, Hans Richter, Robert Rius, Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern, Kurt Seligmann, Yves Tanguy, Dorothea Tanning, Toyen, Remedios Varo, Unica Zürn, among many others.
Exhibition - Surréalisme: Le Grand Jeu

Feb 02, 2024 -
Aug 31, 2024
Fantastic Visions: 100 Years of Surrealism from the National Galleries of Scotland

Museum of Art Pudong, Shanghai

Over 100 major works by over 50 artists, drawn entirely from the collection of the National Galleries of Scotland, including Salvador Dalí, René Magritte, Max Ernst, Joan Miró, Leonora Carrington, and Dorothea Tanning. All the artworks on display, ranging from painting, sculpture, frottage, collage, photography, manuscripts, and books, are presented in China for the first time.
Exhibition - Fantastic Visions: 100 Years of Surrealism from the National Galleries of Scotland

Mar 29, 2024 -
Sep 02, 2024
André Masson: There Is No Finished World

Centre Pompidou-Metz, France

Curated by Chiara Parisi.
150 works, including paintings, drawings, sculptures, periodicals and archive documents never before exhibited from important public and private American, German, Swiss, Belgian, Italian and French collections tracing Masson's career, painting a picture of a multifaceted artist, open to collaborations and to the world, incessantly pursuing experimentation guided by the dictates of the unconscious and a desire for the infinite.
Exhibition - André Masson: There Is No Finished World

Jul 06, 2024 -
Sep 07, 2024
Merveilleuse utopie

CISCM, Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, France

The Paris Surrealist Group is organizing this 19th International Surrealism Exhibition in partnership with the La Rose Impossible association, manager of the International Center for Surrealism and Global Citizenship. This exhibition will be held in the Maisons André Breton and Émile Joseph-Rignault. Although part of the centenary of the publication of the Manifesto of Surrealism, the exhibition is in no way commemorative, but is designed to mark the persistence of surrealism as a living movement in its continuity after the death of Breton in 1966, and to this end, the majority of the space will be devoted to contemporary works by European artists and groups.
Exhibition - Merveilleuse utopie

Apr 04, 2024 -
Sep 08, 2024
Surrealism 100: Prague, Tartu and Other Stories...

Estonian National Museum, Tartu, Estonia

Curated by Joanna Hoffmann and Kristlyn Liier.
In Estonia, where Western art styles arrived somewhat late, a programmatic surrealist movement never materialised. Many artists did create art which had surrealist elements but did not dedicate themselves solely to that style. This exhibition offers an overview of works with surrealist elements in the collection of the museum.
Exhibition - Surrealism 100: Prague, Tartu and Other Stories...

Jun 22, 2024 -
Sep 15, 2024
A Long Affair: Surrealism 1924 to Now

The Hyde Collection, New York

Paintings, drawings, prints, and three-dimensional objects from every decade since the 1920s through contemporary makers today, with artists including Jean Arp, Pennie Brantley, Leonora Carrington, George Condo, Salvador Dalí, Julio de Diego, Dorothy Dehner, Max Ernst, Karl Fortess, Philip Guston, Wifredo Lam, Georges Malkine, Man Ray, Joan Miró, Wangechi Mutu, Richard Pousette-Dart, Nathaniel Mary Quinn, Kay Sage, Atillio Salemme, Kurt Seligmann, Yves Tanguy, and others.
Exhibition - A Long Affair: Surrealism 1924 to Now

Apr 26, 2024 -
Sep 22, 2024
The Starry Castle and the Lost Word: Surrealism & Freemasonry

musée de la franc-maçonnerie, Paris

With its title drawn from Breton's Mad Love, this exhibition focuses on a less studied period of surrealism: the post-Second World War period including works by André Breton, Jorge Camacho, Giorgio De Chirico, Ithell Colquhoun, Jacques Hérold, Marcel Jean, Mimi Parent, and many others.
Exhibition - The Starry Castle and the Lost Word: Surrealism & Freemasonry

May 18, 2024 -
Oct 20, 2024
Reimagining Nature: Dalí's Floral Fantasies

The Dalí Museum, St. Petersburg, Florida

Three rarely displayed suites of botanical prints made by Dalí between 1968 and 1972 on display together for the first time in two decades. These astonishing works transform renderings of fruits and flowers, reimagining them as surreal creations at the height of the Pop era.
Exhibition - Reimagining Nature: Dalí's Floral Fantasies

Jul 12, 2024 -
Oct 26, 2024
Leonora Carrington: Rebel Visionary

Newlands House Gallery, West Sussex, UK

Curated by Joanna Moorhead.
Paintings, tapestries, drawings, sculptures, jewellery, and a series of masks made by Carrington for a theatrical production of The Tempest in the 1950s in this re-examination of her work in the light of her posthumous success.
Exhibition - Leonora Carrington: Rebel Visionary

Sep 04, 2024 -
Oct 26, 2024
Encyclopedia: The Late Collages of Dorothea Tanning

Kasmin Gallery, New York

Concentrating on Tanning's late-career collages from the 1980s and 1990s and featuring the monumental Encyclopedia (1990-95), a mural-scale, five-panel collage that represents the culmination of Tanning's collage practice and will be exhibited here for the first time in its entirety.
Exhibition - Encyclopedia: The Late Collages of Dorothea Tanning

Apr 09, 2024 -
Nov 03, 2024
Lise Deharme: la Femme Surréaliste

Musée de la Chalosse, Montfort-en-Chalosse, France

Friend, muse and patron of the Surrealists, Lise Deharme was André Breton's Lady with the Glove. A woman of letters, poet, novelist, and columnist, this singular artist remains elusive both through her personality and through her creations. Including nearly 80 works by 17 artists including André Breton, Jean Cocteau, Dora Maar, Claude Cahun, and Man Ray, among others.
Exhibition - Lise Deharme: la Femme Surréaliste

Jun 21, 2024 -
Nov 03, 2024
Leonora Carrington

Kumu Art Museum, Tallinn, Estonia

The Kumu project space features seven paintings by Leonora Carrington from her Mexican period, marking the 100th anniversary of Surrealism worldwide.
Exhibition - Leonora Carrington

Jul 13, 2024 -
Nov 24, 2024
Joan Miró

La Banque, Hyères, France

74 works created between 1956 and 1977 including paintings, sculptures, models, ceramics and prints.
Exhibition - Joan Miró

Jul 06, 2024 -
Dec 01, 2024
Dalí: Disruption and Devotion

MFA Boston, Boston

Nearly 30 paintings and prints on loan from the Salvador Dalí Museum in St. Petersburg, FL juxtaposed with European masterpieces from the MFA's collection, including portraits, religious scenes, and still-lifes by El Greco, Orazio Gentileschi, and Velázquez, among others.
Exhibition - Dalí: Disruption and Devotion

Sep 27, 2024 -
Dec 21, 2024
André Masson: Le surréalisme révolutionnaire

Galerie Jean-François Cazeau, Paris

Exhibition - André Masson: Le surréalisme révolutionnaire

Aug 31, 2024 -
Jan 05, 2025
Surrealism: Worlds in Dialogue

Kunsthalle Vogelmann, Heilbronn, Germany

~120 paintings, works on paper, sculptures, films, by artists including Max Ernst, Salvador Dalí, Yves Tanguy, René Magritte, Claude Cahun, among others, engaging in a dialogue with contemporary artists like Cindy Sherman, Sarah Lucas, or David Lynch, shedding light on themes such as identity, gender, technology, and mental health.
Exhibition - Surrealism: Worlds in Dialogue

Jul 07, 2024 -
Jan 12, 2025
der die DADA

arp museum, Remagen, Germany

This wide-ranging exhibition examines the complex contribution of women to the Dada movement and shows the liberatory striving toward emancipation. Contemporary artworks, illustrate the movement's continuing impact up to the present day. Includes works by Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Emmy Hennings, Hannah Höch, among others.
Exhibition - der die DADA

Jul 27, 2024 -
Jan 12, 2025
Marie-Laure de Noailles: Painter/Conversation

Villa Noailles, Hyères, France

Far better known in her pivotal roles as patron of the arts, muse, fashion icon, socialite, writer, and poet, this show features her rarely exhibited artworks in conversation with many of her better known peers including Christian Bérard, Jean Cocteau, Lucien Coutaud, Oscar Dominguez, Max Ernst, Leonor Fini, Georges Hugnet, Valentine Hugo, Félix Labisse, Jacqueline Lamba, Dora Maar, Yves Tanguy, Dorothea Tanning, among others.
Exhibition - Marie-Laure de Noailles: Painter/Conversation

Sep 07, 2024 -
Jan 12, 2025
Long Live Surrealism! 1924-Today

Blanton Museum of Art, Austin

Curated by Claire Howard.
Drawn from the Blanton's collection with select loans and including Surrealists such as Hans Bellmer, Leonora Carrington, Federico Castellon, Max Ernst, Wifredo Lam, Man Ray, and Stephen Robeson Miller, alongside artists inspired by its innovations, including Yayoi Kusama and Dorothy Hood, and contemporary artists working within its vocabulary.
Exhibition - Long Live Surrealism! 1924-Today

Sep 01, 2024 -
Jan 15, 2025
Alberto Giacometti: Unveiled Surrealism

Max Ernst Museum, Brühl

Organised in collaboration with the Fondation Giacometti, Paris and still subject to change, Autumn 2024 brings a major exhibition dedicated to the lesser-known surreal work of the Swiss sculptor, painter and illustrator. Like Max Ernst, the sculptor was drawn to Paris in 1922, where they met in 1928 and worked in neighbouring studios. With his work La Boule suspendue, Giacometti was accepted into the circle of Surrealists in 1930.
Exhibition - Alberto Giacometti: Unveiled Surrealism

Oct 26, 2024 -
Feb 09, 2025

Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney

Over 100 works in Australia's first retrospective of this celebrated surrealist, organised by the Art Gallery of NSW with the close co-operation of the Magritte Foundation, Brussels and in partnership with the Menil Collection, Houston.
Exhibition - Magritte

Oct 15, 2024 -
Mar 02, 2025
But Live Here? No Thanks: Surrealism + Anti-Fascism

Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich

Curated by Karin Althaus, Adrian Djukic and Stephanie Weber.
Structured as a constellation of episodes with an objective to make Surrealism visible as a combative, internationally networked, and highly politicized movement, guided by an idea that was central to Surrealism: anti-fascism. Preliminary artist list includes Art & Liberté, Georges Bataille, Hans Bellmer, Victor Brauner, André Breton, Claude Cahun und Marcel Moore, Leonora Carrington, Aimé Césaire, Suzanne Césaire, Óscar Domínguez, Robert Desnos, Paul Éluard, Max Ernst, Esteban Francés, Eugenio Granell, Groupe Octobre, John Heartfield, Jindrich Heisler, Jacques Hérold, Wifredo Lam, René Magritte, Dora Maar, La Main à Plume, André Masson, Roberto Matta, Lee Miller, Joan Miró, Wolfgang Paalen, Pablo Picasso, Jacques Prévert, Jindrich Styrský, Yves Tanguy, Karel Teige, Toyen, Remedios Varo, Wols, among many others.
Exhibition - But Live Here? No Thanks: Surrealism + Anti-Fascism

Oct 04, 2024 -
Mar 16, 2025
Les Mondes de Paul Delvaux

La Boverie, Liège

This leading figure in 20th century Belgian painting will be honoured in a landmark event, presenting masterpiece paintings, drawings and objects unseen or brought together for many years.
Exhibition - Les Mondes de Paul Delvaux

Nov 22, 2024 -
Mar 16, 2025
The Traumatic Surreal

Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, UK

Curated by Professor Patricia Allmer.
Works by Renate Bertlmann, Birgit Jürgenssen, Bady Minck, Meret Oppenheim, Pipilotti Rist, Ursula (Schultze-Bluhm) and Eva Wipf and their potent and multiple critiques of patriarchy.
Exhibition - The Traumatic Surreal

Oct 18, 2024 -
Apr 27, 2025
Max Ernst and Photography: A Visit from the Würth Collection

Museum für Fotografie, Berlin

Ernst constantly broke with artistic conventions and experimented with new techniques. He was not, however, a photographer. This exhibition looks for points of connection between his oeuvre and photography. Some of these are direct, as in photo-collages, however they are often indirect, and serve to confuse.
Exhibition - Max Ernst and Photography: A Visit from the Würth Collection

Nov 21, 2024 -
Apr 27, 2025
Forbidden Territories: 100 Years of Surreal Landscapes

The Hepworth Wakefield, West Yorkshire, UK

A journey through the fantastical terrains of Surrealism over 100 years, looking at how Surreal ideas can turn landscape into a metaphor for the unconscious, fuse the bodily with the botanical, and provide means to express political anxieties, gender constraints and freedoms. Trans-historical, thematic groupings of artwork will bring together artists of Breton's circle from the 1920s, Salvador Dalí, Man Ray, Eileen Agar, Lee Miller and Max Ernst, among others, alongside later Surrealists such as Leonora Carrington, Edith Rimmington, Marion Adnams, Conroy Maddox, Desmond Morris and more
Exhibition - Forbidden Territories: 100 Years of Surreal Landscapes

Dec 12, 2024 -
May 04, 2025
Les Fleurs du mal

Sammlung Scharf-Gerstenberg, Berlin

This exhibition sets out on a foray through modern art, progressing all the way through to contemporary works, to examine the aesthetics of decadence in their various aspects, including themes such as the birth of beauty from decay, the relation between artifice and nature, or the idea of the surrogate, all the way through to the concept of kitsch, a popular point of reference for the artists of Surrealism.
Exhibition - Les Fleurs du mal

Feb 01, 2025 -
May 05, 2025
Ithell Colquhoun: Between Worlds

Tate St Ives, Cornwall, UK

An important figure in British Surrealism during the 1930s and 40s, Colquhoun explored the possibilities of divine feminine power and the intertwined realms of art, gender, ecology and magic. This exhibition will bring together over 200 artworks and archival materials - many of which have never been shown publicly before - culminating a room devoted to Colquhoun's Taro deck.
Exhibition - Ithell Colquhoun: Between Worlds

Spring, 2025 -
Spring, 2025
Leonor Fini: Lo sguardo della sfinge

Palazzo Reale, Milan

Curated by Tere Arcq and Carlos Martìn.
This exhibition, including painting, drawing, photography, decorative art, fashion design, costumes, artist's books and documents, is inspired by the reflections that her art provoked in important writers and artists of her time, including Jean Genet, Max Ernst or Jean Cocteau. The identification with the Sphinx, a legendary creature, is also the curators' statement of principles about the multifaceted aspects of her work and about its ever-evolving nature.
Exhibition - Leonor Fini: Lo sguardo della sfinge

Jan 18, 2025 -
Jun 01, 2025
Gertrude Abercrombie: The Whole World is a Mystery

Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA

Curated by Eric Crosby and Sarah Humphreville with Cynthia Stucki.
Gertrude Abercrombie (American, 1909-1977) was a critical figure in the midcentury Chicago art scene and a creative force who, from the 1930s until her death in 1977, produced enigmatic paintings populated with objects and figures of personal significance. This is the most comprehensive museum presentation of the artist's work to date.
Exhibition - Gertrude Abercrombie: The Whole World is a Mystery

Jan 22, 2025 -
Jun 01, 2025
Leonora Carrington: Dream Weaver

Rose Art Museum, Waltham, Massachusetts

Details to be announced.
Exhibition - Leonora Carrington: Dream Weaver

Aug 25, 2024 -
Aug 25, 2025
Frida and Diego: Transforming Affections

Fundación Malba, Buenos Aires

An artistic dialogue between the two great Mexican artists composed of the works Self-Portrait with Monkey and Parrot (1942) and Untitled (Abortion) (1932) by Kahlo and Dance in Tehuantepec (1928) by Rivera, along with a series of historical photographs and letters that give an account of their life together, the couple's interests, and Mexican cultural identity during the first half of the 20th century.
Exhibition - Frida and Diego: Transforming Affections

Oct 26, 2024 -
Jan 18, 2026
Surrealism in the Moderna Museet Collection

Moderna Museet, Stockholm

Curated by Lena Essling.
The exhibition follows in the wake of the best-known works of classical surrealism by later artists that are dealing with the subconscious, the irrational, and the darker, violent aspects of a craving culture, with works by Maya Deren, Rebecca Horn, Wifredo Lam, René Magritte, Joan Miró, Meret Oppenheim, Robert Rauschenberg, Dorothea Tanning, and Toyen, among others.
Exhibition - Surrealism in the Moderna Museet Collection

Sep __, 2025 -
Jan __, 2026
Dali e la Moda

Palazzo Reale, Milan

Curated by Laura Bartolomé Roviras and Judith Clark.
Fashion is perhaps one of the least familiar fields in which Dali embodied his artistic universe. Yet, fashion is one of the artist's most prolific contributions at all stages of his career. This is a unique opportunity to admire and gain insight into Salvador Dali's astonishing complexity and in part his work as an eclectic genius.
Exhibition - Dali e la Moda

Oct __, 2025 -
Feb __, 2026
Leonora Carrington

Palazzo Reale, Milan

Curated by Tere Arcq.
Paintings, photographs, books, and archival material in the first exhibition entirely dedicated to Leonora Carrington held in Italy.
Exhibition - Leonora Carrington

Gallery of Surrealism
160 Bleecker Street, #10ME,
New York, NY 10012
tel 212.227.9322
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